It’s easy to make your graphic designs with the many visual tools available online and offline. More freelancers and non-professional graphic designers are now using visual tools for graphic design to jump-start their careers. Read on if you are interested in improving your knowledge of design and its creation.
This blog post will focus on the essential elements of design and describe the principles behind how these elements should be combined to create a fun visual project that you and your client will enjoy.
Design’s Elements
Beautiful design is not the product of imagination or an idea. It is more a result of carefully chosen design elements that create a visual representation for the idea.
Design is not just about placing pictures together in a way that tells a story. Instead, design is about harmony among elements and creating something truly exceptional.
The elements in the design are set guidelines for graphic artists or designers. Design elements can be described as the foundation of painting or drawing.
These elements are critical for any visual project.
The line is the most basic design element. A line can be thought of as just a drawing. But, in the field of study of designing, a link is made between any two points. Lines can be used for creating or separating space between elements or providing a central focus.
Different emotional states can be conveyed through the character, direction, and weight of the line. This can lead to different reactions.
Color affects the mood of visual design. Colors can be used to represent different emotions or personalities. Red can, for example, cause anger, passion, love, and strong will. Blue, on the contrary, brings about a sense of peace, serenity, or security.
The effective use of color in flyers helps create a cohesive look and emphasizes the important information contained within the visual elements.
Color can be used by itself at any time. It can act as a background or a supporting element. It can improve the impact on shapes, lines, fonts, and texture. Combining colors is not difficult, but it requires an understanding of their psychological implications in visual design.
A line that surrounds an area creates a shape. Borders usually define it.
Design shapes can be made by combining different elements or incorporated into icons or symbols to represent your design project.
Your elements will be more interesting if you use shapes. A masculine shape such as an angle is a sign of masculinity. While a feminine shape such as a circle or smooth curves signifies femininity, curvy and velvety shapes like circles can be interpreted to indicate femininity. Square shapes, elements, and designed items communicate security. Conversely, circles communicate unity and beauty.
Texture refers to the visual quality that is perceived in a work or piece of art. Unfortunately, it’s isn’t easy to recognize texture in today’s visual applications. But, for career graphics designers, consistency can be fun and creative to add realism into any project design. It gives visual designs a unique look and can enhance the visual value of any element.
You can use texture to accent a particular part of your visual project to make it more dominant than the others.
These elements are inseparable. They bring balance and proportion to every design.
Size refers merely to the dimensions of a specific element. Scale is the ratio of the original value to it. Finally, proportion refers essentially to the relationship between all aspects with each other in terms of both size and scaling.
You can use scale and proportion to describe the exact size of an item or highlight the differences between two objects displayed in a particular visual display.
Direction is an element of design that establishes the mood and atmosphere.
Visual direction refers to when content shouts out “look over here” using vertical and horizontal lines.
Vertical lines create an environment of balance, alertness, and formality.
Horizontal lines signal peace, stability, and calm.
Oblique lines, on the contrary, suggest movement and action.