Pet Health

Causes and Management of Jaw Fracture in Pets

Facial fractures are pretty usual, but dealing with your family pet’s broken jaw can be challenging. It’s tough to see our furry loved ones experiencing discomfort or undergoing surgical treatment. They will face physical difficulties and some adverse effects and will be out of their playful habits for a while. We, as owners, do not want them to experience those as much as possible; however, we also need to be prepared if this situation hits them. Let’s dig some info about this fracture.

Possible Causes of Jaw Fracture in Pets

Seeing them hurt is frustrating, and we do not want them to feel discomfort for a long time. Here are some causes of jaw fracture.

Vehicular Accident

Watching your family pet being struck by any vehicle is a troublesome experience; as a family pet owner, you will be in shock, but having a plan of action is needed in this kind of situation. Jaw and face fracture is common, and you might see mouth bleeding, face bruises, jaw tightness, and in some cases, loosened teeth. You have to stay calm and call the nearest emergency vet.

Fights With Other Animals

A fight in between two animals, either a canine to a dog or a cat to a dog, can cause jaw fractures. A dog bite can result in tearing, crushing, or tissue laceration. What appears like a minor scratch could become severe damage, as some infection could happen. Pet owners need to watch for breathing, limping, weakness, bleeding, and swelling; sometimes, your family pet may collapse. You can check the website to learn more about the danger of a pet fight with other animals.


Neglected periodontal disease leads to periodontitis and would end up being a serious gum infection; it can lead to severe health complications that can damage bones that expand and harm the jaw. Take action about this illness since it is really harmful to pets. Untreated periodontitis may lead to death. You can check facilities like New Hope Animal Hospital to inform more about this gum disease.

Treatment for Jaw Fracture

Patients who experience trauma like a vehicle accident animal fight will be prescribed pain medications, fluid, antibiotics, and X-rays. Vets might require the use of pins, wires, and other materials. Specific treatment will be developed after an evaluation under anesthesia that involves evaluation of tooth structures, bone, and blood vessels/nerves, oral Xrays, complete blood count, urinalysis, skull Xrays, and in many cases, CT scan. The majority of jaw fractures go through veterinary surgery treatment.

Vets will use techniques focusing on tooth and jaw alignment, including selective tooth extraction, bone grafting, intraoral composite splints, bonding of teeth, and sometimes titanium plates. Owners must follow veterinarians’ guidelines after treatment and make sure to go to follow-up checkups even if your pet looks better.

After Treatment Care for Jaw Fracture

Giving them food is the main concern of most family pet owners after jaw treatment/ surgery. Your vet will advise you of how often to feed them. Their hunger usually returns after a day; Some family pets require a feeding tube to eat, given that chewing can be challenging. In some, a soft diet is suggested, like softened kibbles. Pet activities like running, jumping, or other difficult activities must be limited for a week after surgery. Keeping them entertained throughout recovery can be helpful; a petting session will relieve stress and motivate the bond.

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