Pet Health

Routine Pet Checkups: Why Are They Necessary For Your Pet?

Routine veterinary visits help your pet live a longer, healthier, and happier life. Annual or biannual exams aid in detecting and treating developing health issues, which is crucial for extending your pet’s time with you. Early detection and intervention allow your veterinarian to treat a condition in its early stages and then manage it with medication or simple lifestyle changes. Additionally, your veterinarian may advise you on how to help your pet live a healthy life and avoid future medical problems.

What is the importance of routine pet checkups? 

Annual visits to your veterinarian allow for the detection of health changes and the early detection of underlying diseases. The following are some reasons why your pet should have routine veterinary exams from companies like Little Miami Veterinary Services.


Preventive vaccinations are well-known and required for our pets. A simple vaccine can protect puppies from severe viral diseases like Parvo and Distemper. Cats are infected with severe Feline Leukemia and Panleukopenia viruses. All puppies and kittens must have vaccinations and boosters. Booster shots for bacterial vaccines, such as Leptospira, Lyme disease, and Bordetella should be administered at least yearly. Even senior pets get boosters to avoid deadly Lepto infections, debilitating Lyme disease, and vexing Bordetella infections (Kennel Cough).

Dental Care

Dental care is required for pets, just as it is for humans. The ultrasonic scaler and polisher should be utilized even if you brush your pet’s teeth twice a day at home. This is the same instrument that your dentist uses to clean and examine you every six months. Dogs and cats are prone to dental calculus, gingivitis, and tooth decay. They should have their teeth cleaned at least once a year, beginning at the age of one. 


Minor dental concerns, such as tartar buildup in little dogs necessitate more frequent cleanings. Pets who do not get their teeth scaled and polished suffer from bad breath, dental decay, and root abscesses. Severe gum disease can also result in a prolonged infection, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Bacteria in the blood can cause abscesses in the liver and other organs. Early dental cleanings can help to prevent tooth decay and damage. Visit this page to learn more about standard dental procedures for your pets. 

Tick and Flea Control

Fleas and ticks can be extremely dangerous to your pet. These minuscule parasites can wreak havoc on your cat’s health. Ticks, for example, can transmit Lyme disease, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Fleas can infect your dogs with tapeworms! Fleas can also spread Bartonella, the bacteria that causes Cat Scratch Fever and induce severe anemia due to their blood-sucking diet. All pets should be on the appropriate flea and tick prevention for their environment.

Heartworm Control

Did you know that heartworms can infect both cats and dogs? Heartworm prevention should be provided to all pets in the United States for the rest of their lives. Mosquitoes transmit this deadly worm infection from infected animals to your pet, putting even indoor pets at risk. 


Heartworms have been found in every state. All puppies and kittens should be given oral, topical, or injectable prophylaxis before the age of six months. Heartworm treatment for your dog could be expensive. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for cats. Therefore, they must be protected.


As you can see, the advantages of annual examinations for your pet much outweigh any potential disadvantages. Annual checkups for your pet will help you save money while also ensuring that your pet is immunized. If you haven’t already, you now have four compelling reasons to make sure your pet has an annual physical examination.

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