
The Different Tools Used to Prevent the Spread of Fire

As technology advances, comfort and protection are nearly a hundred percent guaranteed, particularly in our beloved homes. Our houses are at risk of damage from wind and water, and the most typical is by fire, either by nature or by accident. There are a lot of preparation steps that we can do and emergency tools we can use to prevent this from happening. It would be best to understand each of them and their drawbacks at the same time.

What types of tools effectively prevent the spread of fire in our homes?

Fire Extinguisher

Everyone is familiar with a fire extinguisher, which we usually see in every home used to stop fire spread. This tool is handy, affordable, and effective in fire emergencies. Using it is pretty simple to learn, but understanding the effects of its chemical components is essential to understanding.

We may be able to stop the fire from spreading, but we might forget about the risk of leaving the fire extinguisher’s residue sitting in the affected area or items. Most fire extinguishers use a dry chemical that causes damage to the structure of the property if not cleaned entirely and swiftly. That’s why PuroClean suggests calling for restoration service right away.

Fire Sprinkler System

As we all know, fire sprinklers are most common in commercial buildings, yet most residential areas install this system nowadays. The sprinkler detects a rising temperature which activates the sprinkler to release water and sprinkle it widely in that particular space. This system is adequate for fire spread prevention even in the absence of individuals living on the property.

But in that instance, we need to understand that the longer the water stays on walls and ceilings, the more possibility of mold building up in those affected locations. These molds will eventually damage and destroy the foundation of those specific structures. There are available Delaware restoration services that can guarantee damage control at its finest.

Fire Extinguishing Ball

The concept is similar to fire extinguishers, except it works differently and can only work eight to ten square meters wide. Unlike the regular extinguisher, where you can point the direction of the extinguishing chemical directly to the fire, this ball needs skill in targeting the center of the fire to work correctly. This tool is less complicated and can be used at a safer distance.

This technology does not inflict damage to the property or hazard to the household but accommodates only a particular area. This technique might cost you more cash as you will need more on a massive fire.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda isn’t just for baking or cleaning. It is also like the first aid at the beginning of the fire. It can only cover a small range of fire by just throwing enough powder and needs a closer range to put it out. It requires a bit of pressure upon applying to the affected location.


One of the materials that we have discussed should be present in your home to reduce the possibility of spreading the fire. Regardless of the fire size, we will always require assistance from professionals in restoring the damages to our properties and valuables, even in the side effects of fire-fighting devices.

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